2005 design Blue Pensioner Excursion Ticket

Page created Saturday, 16th May, 2009 - HTML 4.01 Transitional
Last modified/checked: Monday, 16th November, 2009

From the 4th January 2005, the three existing Pensioner Excursion fare types were abolished and replaced by a single flat fare available in all of the Sydney Suburban, Outer Metrpolitan and Newcastle suburban areas. For the dirst time, travel on private bus services was also included. The pre-encoded ticket shown below was provided to private bus operators for issue to Pensioners requiring an Excursion ticket. As private buses have no validation devices, the date of issue was supposed to be shown either by hand or by a date stamp. Tickets not used on Government services and which did not pass through any validation devices retained a blank back.
Prefixes probably started at AA 00000.
Earliest known date of issue: January 2005.


Ticket issued with a hand written date and validated on a Government bus.


Ticket issued with a stamped date and validated on a Government bus (current style).


Ticket issued with a stamped date and validated on (unknown).


General Issue Pre-Encoded tickets home page